En-aerion is a consulting firm engaged in research, design, and performance evaluation of protocols and algorithms for wireless and shared communications. We are experienced in intellectual property acquisition and patent valuation.
We are expert in WiFi, small cells, and cellular radio resources management, QoS, medium access control and power management protocols and algorithms. We have contributed to international standards. Our work covers
- QoS and power management protocols
- Medium access for wireless LANs and wireless mesh
- Radio resources management
- Dynamic channel/packet assignment
- Underlay cellular systems (e.g. femtocell)
- Self-configuring wireless systems architecture design
- Load balancing and power control algorithms
Voting membership in IEEE 802.11 - Ballot pools:802.11e (QoS)
802.11k (Radio Resources Measurements)
802.11m (Standard Maintenance)
802.11n (Higher Throughput)
802.11p (Vehicular Environments - WAVE)
802.11r (Fast Roaming)
802.11s (Mesh)
802.11v (Network Management)
802.11z (Direct Link Setup)
Membership in IEEE Standards Association - Sponsor ballot pools:
802.11k (Radio Resources Measurements)
802.11n (Higher Throughput)
802.16m (Next Generation WiMAX)
802.11s (Mesh)
802.11ac (Very High Throughput for Operation below 60 GHz)
802.11ad (Very High Throughput - 60 GHz)
802.19.1 (TV White Space Coexistence Methods)
802.21c (Media Independent Handover Services)